Meet our team
ASK Family
Ms. Amy Alex
Graduated from Cambridge University, Ms. Amy Alex is ASK’s English Panel Head and Chief Curriculum Designer. She uses her diverse realm of knowledge and experience to stimulate and engage students’ interests in learning, and to inspire them to expand their horizon.
Mr. Aaron
Graduated from University of Hull in Creative Writing and English Literature, Mr. Aaron is our Native English teacher and writing and speech coach. With his deep knowledge in English linguistics, he is thorough and systematic in his teaching to ensure kids get full understanding and good retention of the class contents.
Mr. August
Ms. Judy
Graduated from Simon Fraser University, Ms. Judy is the driving force behind ASK’s fun learning and festive programmes. As a mother of two, she thinks that kids learn best when they love learning and enjoy a happy childhood.
Mr. Dorman
於浸會大學中文系畢業,具十年教學經驗。Mr. Dorman 恪守「因材施教」,了解學生程度和需求,重視學生自主思考及課堂之互動,務求令學生燃起學習興趣,精益求精。
Mr. Michael
Ms. Yvonne
Graduated from Swansea University, Ms. Yvonne Lam is a member of the English Panel and co-creator of ELF workbooks. Extensively experienced in teaching kids English as a second language, she highlights the gist of the subject and provides substantive exercises for kids to stamp out common mistakes.
Ms. Ada
ASK 創辦人之一,負責管理中心及相關行政事宜。重視學童的德行及態度,強調「育人為本,德育為先」,確保 ASK 能於學童心中栽種善良的種子。
Mr. Ernest